Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One Word~Blocks

Billie was not a pleasant child.

She never felt it was necessary to share any of her toys, including the Barbie dolls. She did, however, allow others to play with her little alphabet blocks. It let her to throw them very hard at those who played with her without having to accept responsibility for harm done.

She found amusement in watching how much damage could be done by a well aimed wooden toy.

Her neighbor, Judy "One-Eye" Jones, didn't.


  1. Great off the page at the end. Fab.

  2. You always have that one-line kicker.

    Welcome back (though you never left, you just didn't realize it)

  3. Poor "One-Eye." The cool thing is, you got back into the saddle and wrote - and I watched you do it.

    Wicked. But wicked good.

  4. good thing she didn't have one of those hammer and peg sets...I never liked Judy anyway :)

  5. You do have your evil ways.Very positively so.

  6. if i didn't know any better, i'd say u wrote this about my little guy -- who LOVES throwing his blocks or anything that could do damage ;)

  7. Quin, somehow I missed this little belter. I remember my little ladies going through the throwing stage. Not as bad as your little creation though. Nice work. :-)

  8. Well done -- the last line made me chuckle. :-)

  9. Poor Judy! Sounds like Billie's cut out to be a gun slinging cowgirl.

  10. You do have a penchant for evil children.

    Repressed memories leaking out now?

    Fun read, and you did a fine job with the word blocks.
